Monday, November 2, 2009

Quarter Two: Quote #1

"The only thing worse than being talked about it is not being talked about"

-Oscar Wilde


  1. i think that people like to hear about themself. i think it is conceited, but others love to know what you think, but if its not what they want to hear, then they are upset. i feel its all drama, so people just need to get over themselves and act their age.

  2. i think its trying to say that sometimes its okay to be talked about but in a good way. That you need to be noticed from people and get attention.

  3. Who is CaitieJayde?

    Make sure you are putting your real names in the comment box if your user name is different.

    -Mrs. Carn

  4. um i agree with this because if your being talked about then its like ya ya what ever and if your not being talked about then your woried about every thing and what others are thinking and wha not.

  5. Please speak in complete sentences. Spell out your words correctly and don't forget punctuation. I DEFINITELY do NOT want to see "text lingo" or slang.

    Mrs. Carn

  6. This is saying that while being gossiped about can sometimes be hurtful, we would rather be gossiped about than forgotten about. We tend to desire attention, even if it is negative attention.

    -Rachel King

  7. i think people live just to here gossip. if there not getting talked about, then they might as well talk about someone else until they get talked about. people say that drama is a waste of time and so childish, when really its their selves starting it. they feel like well someone is making their lives miserable by saying omething that might not be true or its just personal, then might as well do it someone else. when in reality people should just stay out of eachothers business and keep their opinions to theirselves.

  8. I think it's ok to be talked about sometimes but in good ways. Talking about other people in a good way to. Also it might be that people like attention and like to hear people talk about them in good ways. If you talk about someone in a bad way it can upset them alot.

  9. i believe that he was trying to say that its not always bad to be talked about. If no one talks about you, then how would you be know when your gone?

  10. I think that this quote means that people do not want to be talked about in a bad way, but yet in a good way!

  11. Personally me I think that people don't want 2 be talked about but I think people just gossip a lot about other people.

    Katie Stultz

  12. As long as people have a mouth the talking will never end but most people want to hear because they want to know what the other thinks of them

    Alicia Harvey

  13. iys ok to be talked about in a positive way, but not all talk is good talk so be careful of how you represnt yourself.

  14. By reading this quote, I believe that it is saying that rather than having someone either speak poorly of you, or not talk about you at all, it is better to do something with your life. Do something, or present yourself in a positive way to give others good things they would want to say about you or someone else.

  15. People like to be talked about, because they like to be known. When people talk about you, they don't necessarily know you, but they know what you've done, good or bad. Some people will judge you by what they hear.

  16. i think that some times it is okay to be talked about. but when it turns to gossip then it just isn't good any more. because that is when people start to get hurt

  17. everyone talks about people its just the way it goes. some people do it and dont even relies it. others do it on purpose.

  18. I think this is very true. you are only as important as the next person until people start to talk about you and then you are not just another part of the scenery. But as soon as people stop talking people wont hear about you then its like you where never their.

  19. I think this quote is saying that it is better for someone to talk about you, then for you to not be known at all. Even if someone is talking bad about you, that just shows low self-esteem on their part and they are probably just jealous of you.

  20. I think this quote is saying that people like to be talked about because people like to be known for their good or bad. People would rather hear their name come out of people's mouths rather than people keeping their business to themselves. You would rather be known for something instead of not being know at all.

  21. I think this quote is saying that everyone gossips. People feel that it is better to be talked about then to be forgotten about.

  22. I think that its ok to be talked about in a good way or talk about in a good way too. If you talk about someone in a bad way and they hear it they will be hurt.

  23. You want people to know your name and to talk about you. If you aren't talked about then you feel like no one knows you. (:
    -kaitlynne Wickliffe.
