Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Quarter Four: Quote #4

"People who say they don't care what people think are usually desperate to have people think they don't care what people think."

George Carlin


  1. No matter how hard you try to convince others that you don't care-someone always knows you really do. There is nothing wrong with showing a little emotion-just don't take everything to heart.

  2. most of the time when you say you don't care, you really do in some way. when someone says something to you, you take it in whether is is hurtful or good... so if you say you don't care, you know deep down you really do in a way!

  3. Someone who might say they don't care what people think could actually care about what people think.
    Me personaly I don't care about some opinions but I care about others.

  4. when you say you dont care everyone can tell that you really do you just are embarrassed to let people see your emotions.

  5. Almost everyone says they dont care what people think, but really at some point everyone does, and the ones that say it the most are probably the ones that really do care what people think they just try to get you to believe they dont care.

  6. alot of people really do care what others think but at the same time they dont want other's to know that its getting to them.

  7. when most people say they don't care most of the time they do care. they just don't want to show any type of emotions.

  8. I partially agree with this. There are those people out there, who are so self conscience that they totally care how others view them, and what others think about them. They want people to think good of them... so they say they don’t care what people think... so that that person thinks they are confidant.
    But on the other side.. I think some people just really don't care what others think.

  9. i disagree. When i say i dont care, i honestly dont care.

  10. i think that when people have a "cocky" attitude and say they don't worry what others think of them normally do. everyone is curious at times of what others opinions are and such, its normal. but don't live you life relying on what people think of you.

  11. You say that you dont care but inside you really do but you have to keep saying that over and over again to try and make youself believe its true. so you feel good about yourself

  12. Someone who might say they don't care what people think could actually care about what people think.

    brittany scerba

  13. i love this comment, this is stating that most of the i don't care people care way more than you know, which is exactly what they want they need you to think they are strong enough for you to judge them while on the inside they are pleading with you not to judge them.

  14. I do but dont agree with this. Some people really dont care what other people think. I personally dont care what people think, i mean theres some people i care what they think about me, like my parents but people in school or that i pass on the street dont have an effect on me when they say something. I just dont take it to heart. They dont know me. So why let it bother me?

  15. i some what agree with this because i do care what people think on certain things but most the time i could careless.
